Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Determinants of Student’s Academic Performance Essay

It is a positive statement when one says that man of modern society is so advanced in education, both in the science and in technology, but won’t mind nor think about what steps he could make or trace what good he could do for his fellowmen. He does not live in terms of attitudes acceptable in the society where he lives. A man today is more conscious of his own personal upliftment, keeps innocent of knowing his worth which would be undeniably great if he is treading the right way. Everyone has a right in education. This is embodied in Article XIV Section I of the Philippine Constitution 1987: The state shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education to all levels and shall take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all. Schools, colleges, and universities have no work without student. Students are most essential assets for any educational institute. The social and economic development of the country is directly linked with student academic performance. The students performance place an important role in producing the best quality graduates who will become great leader and manpower for the country thus responsible for the country’s economic and social development. So the parents or guardians must do their responsibilities and roles to give what they need in education. Intelligence is not the only determinant of the academic performance of the student. Academic performance of a student is always associated with the many components of learning environment. Learning and teaching environment ought to implement six functions: inform, communicate, collaborate, produce, scaffold, and manage. The key to success in learning-teaching environment lies on people who use it. Hence, in the instructional system, the teacher is the main factor who can spell the difference between success and failure of a student. Another important determinant, which shouldn’t be neglected, is the family. Family is the primary social system for students for all cultures across the region. Religiosity as an aspect of the family environment is another independent variable possibly influencing academic performance. Higher-achieving students are likely to have the following characteristics: positive feelings about their school experiences, attribute their success in high school to such things as hard work, self-discipline, organization, ability, and high motivation, these characteristics vary from person to person and country to country. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM This study determined the related factors to the academic performance of Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy, second year students at Cagayan State University. To attain the aforementioned objective, answer to the following research questions were sought. 1. What is the profile of the BSRT 1st year students in terms of: A. Personal Factors: a. 1. Sex a. 2. Parent’s occupation a. 3. Sibling number a. 4. Physical health a. 5. Student attitude a. 6. Religion or Ethnicity B. School Factors: b. 1. No vision b. 2. Lack of passion b. 3. Lack of personal/work/school/family balance b. 4. Lack of taking advantage of student resources b. 5. Attending the wrong college or university b. 6. Lack of maturity and discipline C. Community Factors: c. 1. School distance from home c. 2. Means of transportation D. Intrinsic Factors: d.1 . Interest d.2 . Ability E. Extrinsic Factors: e.1 Family Factor e.2 Peers F. Aspirations G. Needs A. What are the determinants of the academic performance of the BSRT 1st year students? B. Is there a relationship between the profile and the academic performance of the BSRT 1st year students? C. How do the teachers perceive the academic performance of the BSRT 1st year students? SCOPE AND DELIMINATION OF THE STUDY This research study is centered on the factors related to the academic performance and attitudes of the BSRT 1st year students at Cagayan State University, Andrew’s Campus. The profile of Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy 1st year students in the terms of personal, school and community factors were determined. Likewise, the teacher’s perceptions on the academic performance of the BSRT 1st year students were considered. Furthermore, the relationship between the BSRT 1st year profile and academic performance were also determined. Lastly, the variable that contributes to the variation of the Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy 1st year students’ academic performance was established. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY It is with optimism that the findings of this study would contribute the development of macro educational system particularly at Cagayan State University in terms of the determinants related to the academic performance of BSRT 1st year students. Furthermore, it is hoped that feedback of data gathered would be used as clues for recommending changes for improvement in fulfilling practices, performance that are relevant and responsive to the demand of our educational system. Moreover, result of this study, would guide the teachers in improving their classroom management, instructional methods and strategies to equip their students the needed preparation for their future careers. Likewise, the parents would be made knowledgeable on determinants of academic performance of their child; therefore, they can suit a proper program of activities for their child for a better performance. It is also hoped that this study shall help the school maintain a harmonious relationship with the community in playing its vital role for the progress and development through people empowerment. Summing up, the findings of this study would contribute to the attainment of educational excellence and the national development goal, the conversion of the Philippines into a newly industrialized country. DEFINITION OF TERMS 1. Ability- CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Student academic performances are affected due to social, psychological, economic, environmental, and personal factors. The learning environment refers to the whole range of components and activities within which learning happens (Bahr, Hawks, & Wang 1993). A. PERSONAL FACTORS The socio-economic status of students is directly proportional to their scholastic performance. 1. Parents Occupation According to Ruben as cited by Ramiro, (1996) that the effect of low income reflects lack of education or training, physical or mental disability or poor motivation. Students with parents who were both college educated tended to achieve at the highest levels. Income and family size were modestly related to achievement (Ferguson, 1991). Middle class parents tend to be college graduate although some only graduated from high school, and many only reached elementary. Bremberk (1996) found out that an increase in the percentage of parents with college degree and white collar job have a better effect on school performance. Parents’ educational attainment is related to the school achievement of the youth. 2. Sibling Number Children from large families maybe handicapped because they get relatively source of the family’s intellectual resources than those children from smaller families (Draig 1998). 3. Attitudes of the Student Performance and attitudes characteristics are strong determinants of academic achievement as cited by Marcos, (1998). According to Santrock, (1998) when our attitude is based on personal experience our behavior is more likely reflect our attitudes. When we have thought about our attitude towards something and have ready access it, the attitude behavior connection is strengthen. In the words of John Locke, â€Å"The actions of men are the best interpreter of their thoughts†. Ramiro, (1996) mentioned that habits of students are very much related to education. The relationship would contribute something substantial in the academic performance of student in their respective school and homes greatly affect their standing in school. B. SCHOOL FACTORS Education is a continuous process in which every parent aims to give it as a gift to their children for their future. Abracia, (1984) stated that schools was considered as a second home of learners because it is a plays where to know everything; wherein a teacher serves as their parents. 1. No vision According to Wollitkiewics,(1980) Some students do not have a clearly articulated picture of the future they intend to create for themselves. Thus, they may take programs of study without a clear career goal or objective. In essence, they choose the wrong major. 2. Lack of passion In a study conducted by Salinas, (1989) she emphasized that successful students work out of passion, a love for what they want to do, and recognize the importance of the benefit it will bring others as well as themselves. Without passion, study becomes a chore and not a method for achieving clearly defined goals. 3. Lack of personal/work/school/family balance Whatever is going on in a student’s personal life, will inevitably affect what’s going on in school. Whatever is happening in school will affect what’s going on in their personal life. A student needs time to be in class, and appropriate time for study. However, there must be time for family, friends, social activities, and time to just be alone. The key is keeping proper balance (Kalko, Elisabeth, K.V., et al. 2006) 4. Lack of taking advantage of student resources There is really no reason for academic failure. According to San Luis, (2003) every college and university has an academic learning center where students can receive peer and faculty tutoring, without charge. Many students fail to seek help. 5. Attending the wrong college or university Tylan, (1998) found that students accept admission into schools they are not familiar with. Thus, they become depressed with their surroundings. Student must be content with their school, its environment, and resources. This, in turn has a negative effect on their studies. 6. Lack of maturity and discipline Some students are just not disciplined and lack good organizational skills. They often fall under the pressure of their peers. (Corpus, 1999) Rather than using good discretion, they feel compelled to follow others (socially), when they really should be attending to their studies. C. INTRINSIC AND EXTRINSIC FACTORS Intrinsic motivation refers to motivation that is driven by an interest or enjoyment in the task itself. It occurs when people are internally motivated to do something because it either brings them pleasure, they think it is important, or they feel that what they are learning is significant. Students are likely to be intrinsically motivated if they attribute their educational results to factors under their own control, also known as autonomy (http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Motivation#intrinsic_and_extrinsic_motivation). Intrinsic means internal or inside of yourself. When you are intrinsically motivated, you enjoy an activity, course or skill development solely for the satisfaction of learning and having fun, and you are determined to be inwardly in order to be competent ( According to Dr. James Gavin, intrinsic motivation is derived from a self-concept, core beliefs, internal need and development opposed to extrinsic motivators which can undermine these motivations. Motives needs to be additive in effect, which means the more reasons you find to motivate yourself to engage in a behavior, the more likely you will continue with and persist in these behaviors. External motivators are typically not additive. Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand, means external or outside of yourself, this type of motivation is everywhere and frequently used within the society throughout your lifetime. When you are motivated to behave, learn, or do based on highly regarded outcome, rather than for fun, development or learning provided within an experience, you are being extrinsically motivated ( 1. Family Probably the strongest influence in our lives is the family we grew up. Our birth order, the personality of our parents, the way we were treated by our siblings, the socio economic status of the family and the place we lived. Besides these tacit influences, our parents taught us all the basics of proper behavior (â€Å"Family influence†.3rd ed. New York. Ronald M. Doctor, Ada P. Kahn 2008). Rollins and Thomas found that high parental control were associated with high achievement. Parents have a crucial role to make sure that every child becomes high achiever. Parental influence has been identified as an important factor affecting student achievement. Philips (1998) also found that parental education and social economic status have an impact on student performance. 2. Influence of Peers Peers groups play a powerful role in shaping identity because the desire to be accepted by one’s peers and â€Å"fit in† with one’s peers often becomes paramount concern for most adolescents. Peer groups are likely to impose negative sanctions upon those who violate what are perceived as established norms of behavior and who attempt to construct identities that deviate significantly from prevailing conceptions of racial and gender identity ( Peers refer to people who are of the same age, educational level, or have the same job or profession. According to Christine Adamec, (2008), a peer group can cause anxieties for an individual because it can arouse feelings of self concept, low self esteem, and other negative attitudes and behavior. CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This chapter presents the research design, the locale of the study, the respondents and sampling procedure, the instrument and statistical tools used to treat the data collected. RESEARCH DESIGN Since this study will determine the academic performances of BSRT 2nd year students at Cagayan State University, the researchers will use the descriptive correlational method. Descriptive method often involves extensive observation and note-taking. It describes data and characteristics about the population or phenomenon being studied. The correlational method of research will also used to deal with their relationship between and among the input, transformation process and output variables. The researchers used this method since the condition and description of the subjects and variables at the time of the study will determine. LOCALE OF THE STUDY The College of Allied Health and Sciences was located at Cagayan State University, Tuguegarao. This was composed of two courses- Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology and Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy. The researchers will only focus to the 2nd year BSRT students. RESEARCH INSTRUMENT The principal instrument used in collecting data needed was questionnaire. It is composed of structured questions regarding personal factors, school factors, community factors, intrinsic factors, extrinsic factors and students’ academic performance, each item will be provided with possible answer for the choices of the respondents. The academic performance of the students will be derived through documentary analysis.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

International Institutions and Realism

Becky, Tam Hing Lui Prof. Chan Ding Ding GPEC 5002 Challenges to the Global System: Insecurity of the World 17 November 2012 HOW CAN INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS FACILITATE COOPERATION? WHAT WOULD A REALIST SAY ABOUT INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS? Nations call for cooperation especially during and after crisis. One example was the Bretton Wood system created in 1944, with the purpose to revive the global economy after the serious damage in WWII. After the 2008 financial crisis, nations again asked for more international regulations and monitoring on the global financial system and suggested the â€Å"Bretton Wood II†.When we step back and think again, does the international regime facilitate cooperation between nations to solve global issues? The school of Liberalism puts more emphasis on the role of international institutions. Robert Keohane defined institutions as â€Å"persistent and connected sets of rules, both formal and informal, that prescribe behavioral roles, constrain a ctivity, and shape expectations† (1). By definition, International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, World Trade Organization (WTO) are formal institution while Bretton Wood Agreement, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) are informal.Under the anarchy environment in the international platform, it is possible to facilitate cooperation through the establishment of international organizations by two specific features: Centralization and Independence (2). It is the independence and neutral characteristic of the international organizations that enhance the legitimacy of its actions, causing states willing to gather together and authorize the international organizations to centralize the activities and ultimately achieve cooperation. This reduces transaction costs and increase efficiency.Institutions coordinate activities including setting up forums and conferences, managing substantive operations, norm elaboration, neutral information provider, acting as trustee/arbiter, i ntervention and enforcement (2). We have identified 5 signature international institutions (IMF, World Bank, Bretton Wood System, GATT, WTO) as examples below to illustrate how the conduct of the above mentioned activities through the international organizations facilitate cooperation in the modern history. (I) IMF, World Bank, the Bretton Wood System and GATTBoth IMF and World Bank were established since the Bretton Wood system began. After WWII, countries suffered from poor economy as global production and trade were dampened during the war period. During the Great Depression of the 1930s, countries attempted to shore up their failing economies by sharply raising barriers to foreign trade, devaluing their currencies to compete against each other for export markets, and curtailing their citizens' freedom to hold foreign exchange. These attempts proved to be self-defeating. World trade declined sharply, and employment and living standards plummeted in many countries (3).There was st rong common interest amongst the states to boost up the economy. To facilitate trade and production, a stable monetary system is necessary and this is where the Bretton Wood system began. The US took the lead to stabilize the international monetary system by pegging USD into gold at a fixed rate (USD35 / ounce of gold) while the remaining 44 countries agreed to keep their exchange rates pegged to USD at rates that could be adjusted only to correct a â€Å"fundamental disequilibrium† in the balance of payments, and only with the IMF's agreement.The IMF therefore became the independent clearing house of the balance of payments and to ensure the exchange rate mechanism worked as specified. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), now the World Bank Group underwrite private loans to stimulate economy. Both the organizations obtained the legitimacy from their independence and neutrality hence was able to manage the substantive operations between states efficie ntly and effectively. Members in General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) agreed on reduction in tariffs and trade barriers amongst members.The GATT, unlike the IMF and World Bank, was not an independent organization but rather a forum within which countries met. This provides a platform for elites to negotiate and reach agreement and avoid conflicts and adverse competition. With the GATT rounds held between 1947 and 1967, most barriers have been removed and tariffs have been the lowest. With the Bretton Wood framework in place along with the newly established international institutions which provide free market, long term capital and stable monetary system, global trade and production exploded during the period.Over the first 25 postwar years, the volume of world trade doubled every 10 years (4). This has been proven as a successful international cooperation in the modern history. (II) World Trade Organization (WTO) Established under the Marrakech Agreement in 1995, the Geneva based WTO replaced GATT as the center of world trade system. Its core principles are to promote market liberalization, non-discrimination and provide legal structure for international trade. Same as GATT, it provides forum for trade negotiations and administers trade agreements.In addition, WTO also supplies mechanism through which governments may resolve trade disputes, review and propagate the national trade policies, provide useful data and information, and to ensure the coherence and transparency of trade policies through surveillance in global economic policy-making. The Decision making process is transparent, rules based and members driven. Each member government has one vote. WTO members have agreed that, if they believe fellow-members are violating trade rules, they will use the multilateral system of settling disputes instead of taking action unilaterally.The Dispute Settlement Board consists of the Appellate Body, the WTO Secretariat, arbitrators, independent experts and several specialized institutions (WTO website). According to WTO data, world merchandise exports worth over $5 trillion in 1998. In real terms, that represents an 18-fold increase over 1948. Exports of manufactures were 43 times larger than 50 years earlier. Over the same period, world output grew 8-fold, and world production of manufactures 10-fold. It is the independent and fair decision making process and the neutral dispute settlement mechanism given the legitimacy of WTO to attract members.The monitoring role and dispute settlement mechanism allow states to overcome â€Å"market failures† in international relations. Hence WTO can fully perform its functions to facilitate cooperation in order to promote trade. From the above examples, international institutions while maintaining independence and neutrality, promote states cooperation and achieve objectives by increasing the efficiency of collective activities, reducing conflicts, facilitating communications and negotiatio n and implementation of agreements. Realist a had different interpretation in the role of these international institutions.Traditional realists recognize that institutions are a vital part of the landscape of world politics. Traditional realism assess the effectiveness of institutions in 2 ways (5): [A] Institution as tools of empowerment enable hagemon to rule others and to manage regional and world affairs more effectively and efficiently than would be possible in their absence. [B] Institution as constraint such as balance of power politics and Concert diplomacy guide and direct Great Power behavior in accordance with the established rules of the game. We will continue with the example of 1944 Bretton Wood System to illustrate the above 2 points below.Harry Dexter White and John Maynard Keynes, the architect of the Bretton Wood System, was disappointed by the final evolution of the Bretton Woods institutions, for Keynes believed that the politicians were perverting the original i deas. The final design guaranteed predominance of the US due to various reasons including emphasis on USD by linking all currencies to USD, dominance of US power in the weighted percentage vote in IMF. However, this is inevitable in the realities of power politics as US was the lender while rest of the world were the borrower and US was the only superpower at that time.This explained the point A above that the hagemon (US) dominance to rule others and able to manage the international trade and monetary system more effectively and efficiently by putting the states into the Bretton Wood agreement and establishment of the institutions. The US and other states were constrained within the agreement and monitoring by the institutions as described in the above point B. While US constrained the other states by the guaranteed predominance in the system, US at the same time was constrained by losing its freedom on domestic policy as USD is pegged at a fixed rate to gold.Neorealists tend to do wnplay the role of institutions on cooperation. John Mearsheimer described international institution as â€Å"a set of rules that stipulate the ways in which states should cooperate and compete with one another† and claims that institutions â€Å"matter only on the margins† and â€Å"have minimal influence on state behavior† (6). Structural realists in the Waltzian vein also paid little attention to international institutions. Neorealists argue that institution cause states to behave in ways they otherwise would not behave, for example foregoing short term, self interest in favor of long-term community goals (Jervis 1983).In contrast, neoliberals claim that institutions matter because they enable states to do things they otherwise could not do, that is, achieve mutual gains from cooperation. Neorealists conceptualize institutions as constraints on state behavior; neoliberals see them as enabling states to reach mutually beneficial, cooperative outcomes. Neoreali sts emphasis on relative gains distribution amongst the actors within the institutions, while Neoliberals emphasis on maximizing overall absolute gains obtained in the community.The first point made by neorealists on the role of international institutions is â€Å"the emphasis on relative gains among actors could critically inhibit international cooperation†. Therefore, they may sometimes abstain from cooperation even when it would be beneficial for them in absolute terms. The overall result is that international institutions are more difficult to create and harder to maintain than neoliberals would have to believe. The likelihood for an institution to be put in place and to be stable is the greatest when the expected gains are balanced such that relative losses do not accrue (7).Without a higher power, states must worry about any state gaining a relative advantage through cooperation, because â€Å"today’s friend may be tomorrow’s enemy in war† (8). Just like what we have seen today, most of the institutions were first led by US as a higher power. States not only concern about cheating but also worry over the distribution of relative gains must be overcome for cooperation to blossom. One example would be the refusal of states to join the binding emissions reduction targets for developed countries in the second commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol at UN climate talk in November 2011.While the biggest emitting countries – US, China and India refused to join, the existing countries in Kyoto Protocol, including Canada, Japan and Russia have already refused to sign on for a second commitment period, objecting to the lack of legal constraints on the world’s biggest carbon polluters. Europe says it can accept a continuation, provided China and the United States show they are serious about major cuts in the coming years. This evidenced when there is relative gains distribution issue and worries on cheating, cooperation is not possible.The second point is that â€Å"institutions are epiphenomenal, that they merely reflect power and interest† (9). They challenge the Independence of the international institutions. Institutions existed but do not mitigate in any way the anarchy of the international system and is the same world of power politics familiar to realists – institutions represented by powerful to serve their interests, and they are dissolved when power and interest shift. To illustrate, we will continue with the example of Bretton Wood system.During the late stage of Bretton Wood system, US power was declining as relied heavily on deficit spending while the other states growing surplus and gaining economic power. The intrinsic value of USD was declining due to deficit spending, over-investment outside US, spending on maintaining the military bases and the two wars US was fighting (Vietnam War and the large increase in social spending known as the War on Poverty) (4). While USD was officially pegged to gold at USD35 per ounce, USD was overvalued and investors and governments rushed to sell USD for gold.From 1961 until 1968, 7 billion dollars was cashed in, which took up more than 40% of US gold reserve. In 1971, US announced stopping the conversion of USD into gold and devaluation of USD. After the second devaluation of USD in 1973, all the states quitted the fixed exchange rate system and hence the Bretton Wood system officially collapsed since then together with the significantly reduced importance of IMF and World Bank. In my opinion, both schools of thoughts are important to explain different matters in different scenario.There is no one single answer towards whether international institutions facilitate cooperation or the opposite. As explained with the example of Bretton Wood system throughout the whole article, both liberal institutionalism and realism explained the setup of the system from different perspective while realism explained the end of th e cooperation. It appears that the effective cooperation induced by institutions is more transient in nature while power politics between the states is driving the backbone of the story.I believe realist view on international institution is more relevant to explain many of the critical outcomes in modern history. However, with globalization becomes the main theme of 21st century, role of state is diminishing as the dominance of multinational corporations does not preclude the characters of state. This creates more common interests between states, which make cooperation easier. The role of international institutions may be gradually enhanced and we may reach another conclusion. Works Cited 1. Keohane, Robert O. International lnstitutions and State Power: Essays in International Theory.Boulder: Westview Press, 1989 2. Abbott Kenneth and Snidal Duncan. The Oxford Handbook of International Relations, Ch. 11 , â€Å"Why States Act through Formal International Organizations. † Jour nal of Conflict Resolution. , 1998 3. IMF website. Cooperation and reconstruction (1944–71) http://www. imf. org/external/about/histcoop. htm 4. Frieden Jeffrey A. Global Capitalism Its Fall and Rise in the Twentieth Century. United States of America: Norton Paperback 2007 5. Schweller Randall and Priess David. A Tale of Two Realisms: Expanding the Institutions Debate.Mershon International Studies Review, Vol. 41, No. 1 (May, 1997), pp. 1-32 6. Mearsheimer, John. The False Promise of International Institutions. International Security. 1994/95 19(3):5-49. 7. Hasenclever Andreas, Mayer Peter and Rittberger Volker. Integrating Theories of International Regimes. Review of International Studies, Vol. 26, No. 1 (Jan. , 2000), pp. 3-33 8. Grieco, Joseph M. , Powell Robert, and Nidal Duncans. The Relative-Gains Problem for International Cooperation. American Political Science Review 1993 87:729-743. 9. Stein Arthur A. Neoliberal Institutionalism Chapter 11 p. 206

Being a Man

Being a Man in the male perspective may be projected with ease as it seems, however, masculinity or the concept of being a man in a strict sense is a trait that has an offending nature. Much of this can be attributed to the fact that the social conditions throughout history suggest that men are commonly compelled to show their masculinity in every domain of endeavor. As such, the framework from where the concept of manliness is based has created an almost irreversible plague that has gone hand in hand with history.Manly concepts belittle the core of their female counterparts due to the fact that the masculinity rouses a sense of self-glorification. In sports, in all fields of life, men have become triumphant at the expense of women. This is because of how boys are bred and raised to become â€Å"men† (Theroux 411), up and coming men become totally obsessed with the idea of proving their manhood through their chosen field. Therefore, the enthusiastic individual will do what he deems necessary to achieve such goal.Femininity plays a vital role in belittling their sexuality because of the female species' vane nature and alertness to man's inadequacy (Theroux 411). Alfonsina Storni's blatant aversion to manliness appears to be a of how manliness is being glorified objectively over and over. It is a good argument that men and women are equal beings each with distinct qualities, and given the distinction, it is also plausible to think that both genders have their set of issues to deal with.However, social constructs, media presentations, and cultures across the world suggest that the nature of manhood demean women in every way. Superhero archetypes for instance are all modeled after men, the earliest superhero characters Superman and Batman are patterned to the typical male image. Likewise, other heroes such as Supergirl and Batgirl are female characters influenced by male characters. Masculinity is not a written law obliging every male person to conform to so ciety's traditional standards.However collective social opinion backed by media sensationalizing and cultural practice dictates the concept of manhood. Furthermore, the dictated solidarity in the concept of being a man eliminates the concept of individuality and the true precept of manliness. Works Cited Theroux, Paul. Being a Man. Reading and Writing about Gender in The World is a Text: The Writing, Reading, and Thinking About Culture and Its Contexts (2nd Edition). by

Monday, July 29, 2019

Has technology made us lazier Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Has technology made us lazier - Essay Example New age technology which we apprehend in the twenty-first century, has completely changed the way we perceive life. Not only is life much simpler in certain aspects, but life now has a marked demeanour which was completely unconceivable even a 100 years back. One very important and very perceivable wonder that technology has achieved in recent times is the envisaging of globalisation, where the world has visibly shrunk, in terms other than referring to the earth’s size. Today technology, in a literal sense, has managed to place the entire world within the palms of a human hand. This is however just the glorious part in the chapter on technology, and a closer look will reveal that the entire story is not so rosy, after all. There is also a darker vista that remains hidden behind all the pomp and glory that is typically portrayed, a dark facet that shows a technology dependent human mind becoming useless. Too much reliance on technology also tends to make man lazier, thus he becomes physically incompetent too, and which is now quite prominent in the rising cases of child and adult obesity problems, that we see all around us. So we stand at a crossroad, where we will have to decide and the take the reins of our future into our own hands. We will have to take decision as to whether technology should be allowed to take over our lives, completely. This article will examine both the positive and negative effects of technology on our lives, and will discuss what our future will looks like if indeed we allow technology to become our master. It will explore the possibilities as to whether technology is actually making us suffer from obesity, both mentally and physically. A brief history of technology: â€Å"From the beginnings of human society on earth, human beings have struggled to survive and flourish, and they have used technology as an aid in the struggle† (Ferkiss, 1993, 1). The first man made technological

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Functions of management and roles of management Assignment

Functions of management and roles of management - Assignment Example Furthermore, this paper intends to ascertain the primary reasons of McDonald’s behind securing a leading and most profitable fast-food restraint in the world (Sabharwa, 2012). Discussion With the advent of globalization and the rapid development in technology, it is very vital for every organization to adapt new techniques and strategies that would help them in maintaining and retaining a leading position in the market. Accordingly, McDonald’s is considered to be one of the leading fast-food restaurants in the world. The fast-food chain was established in the year 1940 in California USA. Currently, the fast-food chain has a total number of 34,000 stores across the world and it further intends to expand its number of stores in future. It is worth mentioning that at the initially the business faced many challenges from increasing competitors like Burger King and Subway. However, the effective management practice has embraced the fast-food chain to establish itself as a le ading and one of the most renowned fast-food brand around the world. The primary reason behind its success can be attributed to adaption and execution of modern management function within the organization. ... Planning Planning is an important task and is the first function of management. Good planning contributes towards making effective decisions in subsequent stages. Accordingly, McDonald’s has framed and implemented different marketing strategies to seek large customer base and loyalty. The prime focus of the fast-food chain has been to offer products at affordable prices. The fast-food chain has also emphasized on meeting the needs of children by increasing its product line especially meant for the children preferences and expectations. The fast-food chain widely considers promotional activities as an effective tool for increasing its competitiveness at global market segment. The fast-food chain has uses slogans such as â€Å"We love to see you smile,† â€Å"I’m Lovin’ it,† and â€Å"Food, Folks, and Fun,† among others as a medium for promoting its product and services. Another important component of the fast-food chain has been its ability to change its strategies quickly according to the changing business environment (Conrad, Grover, Vinciguerra & McKnight, 2009). Organizing The business model of McDonald’s is slightly different manner than other fast-food chain. The organization is considered to be one of the largest holders of franchisors around the world. After its establishment the organization has almost 34,000 stores and serving millions of customer’s daily worldwide. The strategy of providing franchisee is considered to be one of the most important functions of the company as it has helped the business in managing its brand awareness and expanding its business globally. Leadership The leadership in McDonald’s has always been a prime factor for its success. The organization follows

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Applying Your Understanding of Fallacies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Applying Your Understanding of Fallacies - Essay Example What may seem as a simple marketing campaign became an issue for moral panic. For one, critics viewed the ad as racist since it promotes white skin as the foremost criteria in being beautiful. Sadly, Singapore is also a melting pot of various Asian races such as Filipinos, Thais, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Malaysian and Japanese. This ad imposed on the mind of Asian women that fair skin makes one beautiful and brown Asian skin is unacceptable. This is where Focault’s regime of truth sets in. As Hall ( 1997 , p.49) argues â€Å" not of the truth of knowledge in the absolute sense, a Truth which remained so, whatever the period, setting , context- but of a discursive formation sustaining a regime of truth†. The media disseminates a certain truth that public unknowingly digests and accepts as valid. Most ironic of all, the product does not really promise fair skin but better skin texture. stereotype that affects the behavior of the general population. Aside from this, the adv ertisement is misleading since the product delivers something different from what is promised. The second fallacy is about sports nutrition. Gatorade has been very aggressive in promoting its new line of products because it faces tough competition from Powerade.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Disaparity economics Who is the top 1% of the income and where do they Essay

Disaparity economics Who is the top 1% of the income and where do they live - Essay Example Disparity economics is influenced by many factors like globalization, political environment, and cultural changes. In America, it is claimed that globalization made â€Å"money go truly crazy† (Peterson, cited in Freeland). The lifestyle of the richest is a far cry from that of the poor. The richest are the globetrotters who never stay in the country for long. They know foreign places better than they do places in their own country. They spend more time with airline flight attendants than with their families. Most of these richest people are businessmen. A look into the lives and cultures of these people helps a common person to assess how differently they live their lives than a middle class person who has to deal with so many insecurities in life. For example, the employment market is so unpredictable because the economic condition of the country has made layoffs so common now everywhere in the US. All the capital gains keep rolling toward that 1 percent which already has enough of these gains. The result is that other classes, especially the middles class, is drastically robbed off of its gains. For example, Freeland in her very insightful book gives examples of Bill Gates and Warren Buffet to prove how staggeringly unequal the American society has become. It is claimed that both these men together have a tight grasp on as much wealth as the other 120 million Americans at the bottom of the wealth distribution. Gates and Buffet are two most important names of the top 1% of the US society. Buffet lives in Omaha in not a very luxurious home. Still, the structure of the house is very nice. He also just sold a luxurious vacation home located in Laguna Beach. It is safe to say that he lives a very comfortable lifestyle. Bill Gates lives in a very large mansion which took over 7 years and 63 million dollars to build alone. The mansion is located in Washington. There is every luxury imaginable

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Agress a Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Agress a - Essay Example Furthermore, the advancements ensures maximum safety for patient and hospital records. Remarkably, the minimal errors occur mostly due to human mistakes, but very low. The speed and accuracy of the machines helps to save lives through reduced response time. Besides, patients and medics easily access significant information for treatment and disease control. Hence, the technology heightens clinical test and produces quality and superb results (Finkelman 2012). Consequently, clinical technology instills eminent public confidence in health provision services. I share similar sentiments that the technological advancements are useful and valuable in health care division. I feel that the improvements serve to address doctor patient ratio challenges in modern society. It is imperative to acknowledge the increased number of patients served, quality of services in hospitals and the clear reference of patients’ medical records. The modern medical service characterized by computerized medical systems presents major opportunities for both patients and physicians. Nevertheless, the system still requires adjustments to minimize threats caused by leaks of confidential information about the patients (Smith 2000). Possible causes arise incompetent staff and cyber

Finding Magic in the Natural and the Common Essay

Finding Magic in the Natural and the Common - Essay Example This essay explores the magic in daily life through these stories. What is magical in people's lives is their ability to imagine and to appreciate common events, acts, and liberties. Human imagination presents fertile ground for magic, as it concocts beautiful ideas and images that cannot be realistically enjoyed in real life. Cortazar's Letter to a Young Lady in Paris is about a man who vomits bunnies. Such an occurrence has not been documented yet as possible in real life, but the idea of creating bunnies in itself is a creative idea that makes life magical. With an active imagination like Cortazar's, people can escape life's chaos and dreariness and live in another world. They can find new ways of seeing and doing their duties and tasks and enjoy the novelty of their creative ideas. New images also, by themselves, generate magic, such as magic of wonder, enjoyment, and happiness. Imagination presents magical moments that can occur in daily life. Common events and acts can also lea d to magic. Miner’s Body Ritual Among the Nacirema talks about a society that turns common activities and behaviors into something magical. The Nacirema are people who both ironically value and devalue their physical bodies through their spiritual rites. On the one hand, they value their physical bodies by ascribing holiness to their body parts. ... Very sick people also go to latipso ceremonies. These ceremonies are quite perplexing to other people not used to these customs. Apparently, the Nacirema can only enter the temples that hold these ceremonies by bearing lavish gifts, even if they are aware that â€Å"[it] is where [they] go to die† (Miner). At the same time, these â€Å"patients† cannot also leave the temple without bearing more lavish gifts. In other words, they pay to get hurt. What is magical in these acts is that they are crucial to people's development. Miner cites Malinowski who says that without crude and irrelevant magic, â€Å"early man could not have mastered his practical difficulties as he has done, nor could man have advanced to the higher stages of civilization.† But what is higher civilization anyway? Perhaps a higher civilization is one that is kinder and more loving. Otake et al. shows that kindness is magical too, because it makes people happier. The more kindness that people â⠂¬Å"give† forward, the more they feel connected to other human beings. This can be the kind of connection that makes people more human, and in turn, helps them feel happier â€Å"in† their humanity. Even in desperate times, kindness can alleviate the emptiness of life. In Man’s Search for Meaning, Frankl argues that people can find something meaningful in what could otherwise be meaningless existence. As a former prisoner during the Holocaust, he is a man who has survived great tribulations and has come out with his identity and soul intact. He believes in the value of being â€Å"worthy† of one's â€Å"sufferings,† for it provides â€Å"spiritual freedom† that makes life worth living for (72). People can

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Shakespeare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Shakespeare - Essay Example Shakespeare moved to London in around 1590 and by 1592, his plays and ability as a playwright were already being recognized and handsomely rewarded all over London. During this period of 1590s, his plays became famous all over London and this made his wealthy through investments and purchases. The wealthy and lavish life of London made most of his work contain issues of social class and its effects on society in general and hence this marked the theme for almost all his literary works (Bradbrook, 2005). The contents of the literature and art in Europe gave a reflection of different issues in society. This is true for example in the literary works of Karl Marx which discussed political and economic ideologies through his books and other works and gave a reflection of what was happening in Europe at the moment and what could be done about it. Other art works like paintings also gave reflection of the different events in the different eras. This was also true for plays like those by Shakespeare which gave an understanding of the society’s division through social status and even the religious issues happening in the society during those times (Arendt, 2007). Through these various art and literature which gave a reflection of Europe, people are able to understand and deduce what was happening and even the cause of such

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Exam 3 for public adminstration Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Exam 3 for public adminstration - Research Paper Example The leader positively motivates the group members of the organization to do the best jobs by working independently. Leadership focuses on the constant improvement of the organization and its growth by keeping a good picture always (Khan, 167). On the other hand, management may involve negative motivations like punishment to the members in case some goals are not reached in time or if the goals fail to be accomplished. Management involves the person in the highest position giving orders to the lower position members. Therefore, management is a matter of position and warnings to avoid failure (Khan, 173). Transformational leadership: this is a type of the leadership whereby the members being under control of their leaders are inspired by the leaders to major in the organizational goals and not their self-interests. The organizational goals should be prioritized first before any other action is to be done. The basis of this leadership is devotion and not bureaucratic self-interest (Khan, 170). Micromanagement is a type management whereby the subordinate members are under high supervision from their manager. The manager is very close to the activities that are taking place in the organization. An example of micromanagement is where an experienced employee is give a task and its deadline. Instead of waiting for the employee to complete the task, the manager will be checking on the employee occasionally on the working desk or sending many email to him or her asking how the task is going on or its been completed. This type of management may lower the productivity of the workers since they will be feeling unsecured and others may even quit their jobs (Khan, 177). Over management involves putting very high goals in the organization and trying to achieve them. The goals may be very hard to achieve but the manager is very optimistic that the goals are achievable although the workers do not believe that way. The workers will not be

Monday, July 22, 2019

Management Under Uncertainly Essay Example for Free

Management Under Uncertainly Essay I had been in Target as a temporary worker and one decision made by the manager left a deep impression on me. As one of the largest retail stores in Australia, Target can be found in the shopping centre of most area. The store I had worked is located in Leichhardt which had the expectancy was achieving a sales budget of $ 50,000 per day, and then the net profit would reach $6000. In order to make the expectation into reality, the manager of Target Leichhardt store from the point of view of cost savings decided to cut the shifts of employees. Originally, one shift had four cashiers, but now reduced to two cashiers. In addition, the manger made a decision to no longer use customer greeters. In Target store, the duty of greeter is not only greet customers into the store, but also check the bags of customers to avoid theft when they leave. The manager decided to reduce shift because he found this is a kind of waste when the store is not busy. On the other hand, he thought the customer greeter looks like a decoration because the phenomenon of pilferage was rarely. Although the manager made the adjustments, the result was still not satisfied and the outcome was the store has not achieved the budget. These decisions caused complaint from a lot of customers about the long queue when they went to the checkout. I had seen some customers drop off the commodities which they had selected because they do not like to wait for a long time. Beyond that, the two operators always feel tired and unfair when the store is very busy. Once they feel bored, they will not have enough energy and passion to serve customers. Furthermore, no longer use greeter also caused some negative effects. For example, tally clerk found that small and precious items had been lost regularly. Obviously, there were customers in the store for stealing and the action of theft reduced the budget seriously. Analysis of the Decision Teale, Dispenza, Flynn, Currie (2003) pointed out that the bounded rational decision making is refer to there are many options, but the decision maker only consider some of these, or from the long term, that is not a best decision but the most suitable for the current situation. Here is an example, a lady fell down along the road and break her stiletto heel, and then she quickly goes into a cheap shoe store and bought a pair of lip-flops that she had never worn before. If it is in normal circumstances, the lady will buy a pair of shoes that she likes at ordinary times, but now she is in a hurry and can not wear the shoes with broken heels. So, buy a pair of shoes that does not like usually become an appropriate choice. This can be called â€Å"satisfying†. People in most cases do decision like this, because sometimes we do not consider all the possibilities in order to save time (Campling, Poole, Wiesner, Ang, Chan, Tan Schermerhorn, 2008). Decision-makers always pick up the most useful one. In the Target Leichhardt store, because the manager chose the solution to reduce the costs in a short time, the decision can be defined as Satisfying. The decision of this store manager made just embodies the people’s bounded rationality in decision making process. The managers thought the store can increase budget by cutting costs. However, queuing for a long time can make customers have bad impression on the store. Finally, people thought for long lines when they mention this store, then they refuse to go to the store shopping instinctively. People should consider three processes that bounded rationality usually involve in. hey are simple search, simple stopping and simple decision rules. These three rules are also referred to as â€Å"heuristics†, it is used to describe â€Å"how normal people make decisions without calculating utilities and probabilities† (Gigerenzer Todd, 2012). In this case, the manager made decision without calculating the chance of various results by using the optimal and maximizing outcome. . In this situation, the manager didn’t use the optimal or maximizing outcome to calculate the probability of outcome occurring, he didn’t use the utility to calculate the expected happiness. There are many factors that can cause bounded rationality, such as emotion, knowledge and culture. According to Teale et al (2003), bounded rationality can also be interpreted as non-rational decisions. This is because people have limited knowledge level and lack of training. The lack of knowledge and training make people with narrow horizons, and then can not take a panoramic view of the situation and do not have a long-term view. In this Target store, the manager did not investigate and understand the situation of the store from all aspects carefully; it also can say he was lack of practical experience in management of decision making. His decision can only satisfy the short-term interest if it goes well. However, it turns out he did not achieve the short-term goals. In terms of the long time interest, invoice for a long time and occasionally steal phenomenon caused bad effect on the company’s image. On the other hand, decision-maker do not communicate smoothly and actively with others can also affect the decision making (McKee, 2010). According to my observation, the manager lack basic understanding of the store and he seldom communicated with employees and customers. Sometimes, he just organized the regular meeting, and the aim of meeting is to decorate task without exchange views with others. When someone makes decision by himself without communicate with others, bounded rationality can get a higher frequency of occurrence. Lacks of communication not only lead to make decision unwise, because the decision maker is likely to be emotional to make a decision, but also make the decision maker overconfidence. In real life, we meet some people who always think they are right (Hanson, Hitt, Ireland Hoskisson, 2011). Beyond that, environment can cause bounded rationality. Today’s general environment is complicated and changefully, people can obtain information from various channels and ways. Not all information is appropriate, sometimes wrong information mislead decision maker to make an irrational decision. In this case, the general environment is the customers and sales performance are different and the manager eager to prove his ability. So he made a non rational decision and this decision does not have any benefit for a long term operation. Reflection Mckee (2010) show us The Eight Stage Decision Making Process Model. If I were the manager in this case, I would use the above mentioned model to help me to make a rational decision. First of all, I would collect all possible information about the sale budget and net profit for five years before. For example, check the financial annual report, the daily turnover and the net profit report. Form these reports, I could analyze and assess which part of work we need to adjust and improve. Our goal is to increase earnings; we can start this goal from attracting more customers rather than reduce shifts and layoff greeters. There are many ways to attract potential customers and make them become returned customers at the same time. One effective way is issue voucher; we can offer a five dollar voucher when the customers purchase more than 50 dollars. By that analogy, we can give ten dollar voucher when the customers purchase more than 100 dollars. In this way, we can ensure customers keep coming. Another way to attract customers is to do some promotions, such as buy three same items for two items price. When I use The Eight Stage Decision Making Process Model to make a decision, I would consider more on one of the elements that is to list alternatives (Mckee, 2010). In this case, arrange employees to the most suitable area according to their own ability and personality is an alternative decision. For instance, a employee with personality of patience and enthusiasm, I would arrange he to be a customer assistance. Put myself in customer’s position, I hope to get a better shopping guide and help. Moreover, Tolbert and Hall (2008) pointed out that the more person involve the decision process, the decision is more rational. Due to the feasibility of this theory, I would be honest to analyze the whole store operating condition and the goals to other managers and employees. Then, I will encourage them to actively participate in discussion and give advices. If I were the manager I would continue to use customer greeters. In order to make them not as decoration, I will arrange them some to do things to attract customers. For example, greeters can pass flyers to passers so that they have a better concept about what product will have a discount in which day. The following step we need to carry out decision, along with this step there may have some obstacles impede our progress. But, these are not serious problems, as long as we step by step; we are able to make sensible decisions (Kramar, Bartram, De Cieri, Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart Wright, 2011). This style of decision making can be described as the rational model. Only managers like a link, fasten all the employees together to make the decision, this decision can be good for long-term development of an organization.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Examples Of Soil Pollution Environmental Sciences Essay

Examples Of Soil Pollution Environmental Sciences Essay This Air pollution plays an important role in the life cycle of pollution because air pollution only makes the human beings into lots of defects like asthma, cancer, breathing problem, etc. Not only for the human lives its also affects the animals and greens. When looking to Geographical this Air pollution affects the Ozone Layer and made lots of hole in that and it can cause health problems such as lung inflammation, skin damage, headaches, burning eyes and scratchy throats. High concentrations of certain air pollutants are extremely dangerous and can cause severe injury, cancer, or birth defects. Individuals with respiratory problems, people with heart or lung disease, children, elderly residents, athletes and pregnant women are at high risk for health problems from air pollution. Those who play, work or exercise outdoors breathe pollutants deeper into their lungs, which can increase the chance of negative health effects. Chemicals and particles in the air also reduce visibility and can damage buildings and monuments. Air pollution harms our loved ones, our environment and our property. The frequency of Air Pollution Watch and Warning days indicates our serious (ii) Water Pollution: Water pollution is any chemical. pysical or biological change in thequality of water that has a harmfuleffect on any living thing that drinks or uses or lives in it. When humans drink polluted water it often has serious effects on thier health. Water pollution is not just something that big chemical plants make improvements. This Water pollution also play a vital role in the affects of pollutionthere are sevaral classes of water pollutants; The first are disease-causing agents. These are bacteria, viruses, protozoa and parasitic worms that enter sewage system. A second category of water pollutants is oxygen-demanding wastes; wastes that can be decomposed by decomposed by oxygen-requiring bacteria. When large populations of decomposing bacteria are converting these wastes it can deplete oxygen levels in the water. This causes other organisms in the water, such as fish, to die. A third class of water pollutants is water-soluble inorganic pollutants, such as acids, salts and toxic metal s. Large quantities of these compounds will make water unfit to drink and will cause the death of aquatic life. Another class of water pollutants are nutrients; they are water-soluble nitrates and phosphates that cause excessive growth of algae and other water plants, which deplete the waters oxygen supply. This kills fish and, when found in drinking water, can kill young children. Water can also be polluted by a number of organic compounds such as oil, plastics and pesticides, which are harmful to humans and all plants and animals in the water. A very dangerous category is suspended sediment, because it causes depletion in the waters light absorption and the particles spread dangerous compounds such as pesticides through the water. Finally, water-soluble radioactive compounds can cause cancer, birth defects and genetic damage and are thus very dangerous water pollutants. The safety of our drinking water is often taken for granted in America. In recent years, however, environmentalists and the media have drawn attention to the dangers of ground water pollution and the health risks of lead, chlorine, pesticides, organic chemicals, and various microorganisms that have been found to contaminate our public water supplies. Outbreaks of waterborne diseases are a common occurrence and have involved entire city populations, sometimes leading to serious complications and even fatalities. The potential carcinogenic effects of long-term exposure to certain organic chemicals in our water supplies are under government scrutiny. (iii) Soil Pollution: . Examples of Soil Pollution: Land pollution is the degradation of the Earths land surface through misuse of the soil by poor agricultural practices, mineral exploitation, industrial waste dumping, and indiscriminate disposal of urban wastes. It includes visible waste and litter as well as pollution of the soil itself. Soil pollution is mainly due to chemicals in herbicides (weed killers) and pesticides (poisons which kill insects and other invertebrate pests). Litter is waste material dumped in public places such as streets, parks, picnic areas, at bus stops and near shops. Waste Disposal: The accumulation of waste threatens the health of people in residential areas. Waste decays, encourages household pests and turns urban areas into unsightly, dirty and unhealthy places to live in. Control measure: The following measures can be used to control land pollution: anti-litter campaigns can educate people against littering; organic waste can be dumped in places far from residential areas; inorganic materials such as metals, glass and plastic, but also paper, can be reclaimed and recycled. Two billion hectares of soil degraded According to FAO, human activities have degraded 15% of the earths non-submerged surface. The main cause in the last 30 years has been a desire to boost food production, with erosion being the main threat, affecting 84% of degraded land. Farmland area has grown steadily in developing countries, the exact reverse of what has happened in developed countries. A full 23% of usable land has deteriorated so badly that its productivity has suffered.

Suspense Tension And Mystery In Red Room English Literature Essay

Suspense Tension And Mystery In Red Room English Literature Essay Normally when you think of horror stories you think of stories with characters like Werewolves and Dracula in them. Edgar Allen Poe and H G Wells have broken the stereotype with these short stories, by telling different tales about the way people act when they are disturbed mentally. I dont think this point is really very correctà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Stoker was writing at roughly the same time as Poe and Wellsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦write perhaps? Wells explored the theme of an initially non-believer in the supernatural with The Red Room and in The Tell Tale Heart and The Black Cat, Poe explores the human conscience. I have enjoyed all three of these stories because of the story themes as well as the way in which the high tension is created with a hint of the supernatural in both. All three of these short stories are written with the main character as the narrator but The Red Room is interesting because the main character is actually the innocent (although fairly arrogant) victim, rather than the m urderer in Poes stories. There are several similar themes that run through these stories and the main themes in the The Tell Tale Heart and The Black Cat are that of mentally disturbed people being put into situations that bring out the worst in them and makes them and the reader very uncomfortable. The main theme in the The Tell Tale Heart and The Black Cat is the consequences of murder and how human nature can be viewed at its worse and how this can make a person become obsessed and, in the end, quite mad. In The Red Room, the reader also feels uncomfortable for a different reason and that is by feeling scared, especially due to the fact that the main character doesnt believe that there are ghosts before he enters a spooky castle and then this slowly changes when he enters and his arrogance melts away due to strange happenings. The main theme of The Red Room is arrogance and this is built up to make the readers want the lead character to encounter a supernatural encounter (the story starts with the line I can assure you said I, that it will take a very tangible ghost to frighten me). I suspect that Wells describes the main character in such a way to make him sound pompous and arrogant so that the reader wants the main character to get his just desserts. In all three stories, the main characters as narrator are portrayed as unpleasant individuals, although to be fair the character in the Red Room is only arrogant, he doesnt actually kill anyone! The discomfort for the reader starts at right at the beginning of all of these stories and right away the reader is in the middle of a story that has already started (a bit like walking into a play or a film where youve missed the beginning). Get rid of everything in blue, and replace with as they start in media res. For example, the narrator is speaking right away in The Tell Tale Heart and at first he sounds quite calm and rationale and then this slowly builds in to a bit a bit of a rant by a madman (as the narrator says himself, You fancy me mad. Madmen know nothing). All three stories have a gothic and dark feel to them; both of the Edgar Allen Poe stories have the main characters behaving in a most peculiar way due to them having a troubled lives or backgrounds. In The Tell Tale Heart, the main character is disturbed about an old mans eye and as the culture at the time was such that people felt that if an individual had a deformity it meant that the individual was evil. The ma in character thinks that the mans bad eye contained an evil sprit and becomes obsessed by the thought of his evil eye is meant for him. The theme is similar for The Black Cat- this short story has as its main character a guilt ridden person who gives himself up due to his overbearing guilty conscience. Interestingly, the deformed or disabled images come through in The Red Room with the two old men being described as having a withered arm, being supported by a single crutch and in the main anything old, disfigured or ugly would have the implication of being sinister or creepy and this is a similar to theme to yet another story of the time, The Picture of Dorian Gray, whereby the main characters evil and wicked deeds are not shown on his actual face, but shown on a portrait that he keeps in his attic. Ermà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦this is a bit of a Victorian thingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦it would be better to say that the Victorians believed in physiognomy, which is demonstrated in The Picture of Dorian G ray (give example) and The Red Room, as you explained above. The main character in The Black Cat is a guilt ridden psychopath who in the beginning of the story is acting as if every thing was alright (I was noted for the docility and humanity of my disposition), but at the end, becomes so obsessed with a white and then a black cat that he ruins everything in his life, including the murder of his wife. In the descent to madness, he says that the fury of a demon instantly possessed me. I knew myself no longer. In both of Poes stories, there is an underlying theme implying that the police are a bit stupid and could not figure out who has carried out such a simple crime. I dont see any truth in this pointà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦both protagonists in Poes stories went to great lengths to conceal the bodies indeed, this is shown in the stories. Therefore, one might excuse the police, It is also interesting to note that short stories like this were the only form of popular entertainment at this time, due to there not being any TV. Ahem, this point, although c orrect, is hindered by your suggestion that popular entertainment is TV. You may wish to say something more like there was not a comparable range of media for popular entertainment, of which TV is included. Whilst there would not be such high literacy rates then as there are now with a lot of poor or working class children having to leave school at the earliest opportunity in order to earn a wage, literacy rates were improving and more people were able to read and these authors were becoming more popular. Look up Education Reform Acts of the nineteenth century. The Tell Tale Heart has a very sudden tension building moment, with the atmosphere switching from very calm to sudden excitement and you can feel the adrenalin pumping in the killers body when the narrator / main character saying that he is going to kill the old man. Poe uses quick, short sentences : It grew quicker and quicker, and louder and louder every instant. The old mans terror must have been extreme! It grew louder, I say, louder every moment! and this helps build the tension. The story opens with the main character as the narrator of the story and trying to justify why he had to destroy the eye. Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold; and so by degrees I made up my mind to take the life of the old man. He also tries to make it clear that he is not mad by stating you fancy me mad-mad men know nothing. This indicates to me [to you? What an absurd ideaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦as I explained in one of your other essays, you and I have no place in an academic essay. Get. Rid. Phrase i n the passive insteadà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦this may be indicating] that the author is trying to show that the character is quite arrogant and that the character wants us to think that he is fighting evil and the fact of him being able to think of ways to defeat it .He is saying that mad people are not well educated [Im sorry? Nietzsche, one of the cleverest men to have lived, was mad. I myself am hardly the sanest of people (OCD, anorexia, perfectionism, anxiety, emotional instability) and am simultaneously well educated. In a more contextual manner, it is clear (especially in The Black Cat) that the mad men are clever], and the fact that any sane person would have acted the same way as he did. At the end of the short story, when the police come round to the house, the heart beat that the narrator hears becomes quicker and quicker (but the noise arose over all and continually increased. It grew louder -louder -louder!). This is supposed [supposed? Why isnt it? I think you could have better phrased thisà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦This represents the guilt buildingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.] to represent the guilt building up in the main characters head; it also represents the supernatural element found in each of Poes stories. The heart beat can also be seen as the old mans spirit or soul calling out to the police, to make sure that the main character / murderer is caught. In this story Poe has played on the fact of the character imaging that he is hearing the heart beat because the police can not hear it. The final sentence, Villains! I shrieked, dissemble no more! I admit the deed! -tear up the planks! here, here! -It is the beating of his hideous heart!, I think, has a really tortured ring to it and the reader almost feels sorry for the madness of the narrator. The Black Cat also has a very similar plot device in building up tension; everything appears to be calm and alright with the main character explaining his situation (just like The Tell Tale Heart), For the most wild, yet most homely narrative which I am about to pen, I neither expect nor solicit belief. The writer also builds up the tension when he explains that he was always described as My tenderness of heart was even so conspicuous as to make me the jest of my companions. I was especially fond of animals, and was indulged by my parents with a great variety of pets. Also, the fact that I married early, and was happy to find in my wife a disposition not uncongenial with my own. Makes us believe that he is a normal happy man and we would be shocked to discover anything bad about him. However, this suddenly changes when he recalls that one evening when he returned home drunk, he took from my waistcoat-pocket a pen-knife, opened it, grasped the poor beast by the throat, and deliberatel y cut one of its eyes from the socket! He actually deliberately cuts out an eye from his pet cat. This leads us to believe that the main character is actually mad and has something wrong with him. The tension reaches its height when the main character not only tries to kill another cat, but actually kills his wife by burying the axe in her brain. She fell dead upon the spot, without a groan. Now we know that he is actually a madman and especially as the torment of what he has done leads him to showing the police the corpse of his wife through his conscience playing on his mind and him finally knocking down the wall and exposing the body. Another strong tension point is when the cat reappears and has the gallows shaved into its fur. For both of the stories the main characters feelings do not change until the end, when the mad man in The Tell Tale Heart is ridden with guilt and the mad man in The Black Cat feels that he has to clear himself of the deeds he has committed. This is shown by the quote today I would unburden my soul. I think that the author of The Tell Tale Heart lets the reader think that the main character is very clever because he allows him to use a lot of intelligent language, as well as allowing him to use a lot of argumentative language as though he is desperately trying to plead his case. Ah ha! Youre being inconsistentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the protagonist of this story is as mad if not madder than the protagonist of TBC, but this one is clever and educated? See my earlier point. For example, when he says, I think it was his eye! Yes his eye! This is to try and shift the blame and make the reader feel that the main character is trying to persuade them that he had no choice and that the reader would have done the same in the circumstances. Saying, Yes his eye is intended to show that he had figured out a motive for killing the old man and that in fact that he must have been provoked in the first instance. I think that the main character comes across as being very insecure because he is always try ing to explain or justify why he acted why he did, and is also trying to persuade the reader that he is not mad and that he is in fact a good person. This is shown because he always explains his actions after detailing what he did in the story. I loved the old man I had no desire for his gold. This can be understood in one of two ways by the reader; firstly, the reader can see him as being absolutely mad or secondly, he could be seen as someone who was disturbed and who needed help and sympathy. By saying that he loved the old man shows that he didnt want to kill the old man and the fact that his obsession with the evil eye made him do it or that the man isnt the problem, its his eye. Interestingly, all of the other characters in The Tell Tale Heart do not really play a major part in the story and this is also true of The Black Cat the only other character is the wife because she gets murdered by the main character. This builds up a lot of tension when he does this due to the wife did not commit any offence to the man it was just the man wanted to kill. This is true to a certain extent in The Red Room, although the other characters do add to the story telling. The use of language in the two Poe short stories is very complex, which could make the readers think that, if the characters are speaking after they have committed such evil deeds, this would lead us to believe that they would be some kind of evil genius, which would be a popular stereotype of the time. Give an exampleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦I think Professor Moriarty would be a good choice. The stories are written in common literary language of the nineteenth century. For example, in The Tell Tale Heart the author uses language such as he had never wronged me, never given me an insult. This shows that he is well educated and well spoken and I think, as the reader, clear at getting his views and descriptions across. In The Black Cat, the language and the dialect is the same, with the use of fairly old words and or quotes such as conspicuous and unburden my soul. I use the word conspicuous with shocking frequencyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦say the style is old, not the words. As far as I remember, there ar e no archaic words in TBC or TTH. These are fairly old linguistic terms and a man who uses them must be well educated. But this point makes no sense. Old, indeed. And if a modern man were to use them one could consider his reading list to be classic literature, indeed. Howeverà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦if the man in question is oldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦hes just speaking? And reading contemporary literatureà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦like if you were to speak how Stephenie Meyer or Terry Pratchett does. This can show us that he is well educated in his plans and schemes. Its fair to say that the characters both use complex language, and that this demonstrates their intelligence. Equally, in The Red Room, the dialect used by the narrator is fairly complex, Eight-and-twenty years, said I, I have lived, and never a ghost have I seen as yet and the dialect of the others shows that they are poorer and of a lower class; the old woman replies Ay, she broke in; and eight-and-twenty years you have lived and never seen the li kes of this house, I reckon. All three of these stories were written and read by Victorians to entertain them, you can tell this by the amount of old words that have been put into these stories and the syntax. Obsession, the link to madness and ghost stories in general, were very popular and highly entertaining because of the links to the supernatural world. It was as entertaining to so many Victorians due to the fact of Victorians being more prone to belief in the supernatural as institutions that relied on belief over reason, most notably the Church, were more popular in this time than currently. There was also a very moral point of view with these stories by showing that evil deeds will always be found out and if people do any bad deeds then they will avenged by the dead persons spirit or by the power of God. Another message within The Black Cat was the moral message that the evils of alcohol can destroy a good man and make him into some kind of monster (But my disease grew upon me for what disease is like Alcohol!), which the Temperance (or anti-alcohol) Societies that were popular at that time would have found a good, moral message. The Tell Tale Heart and The Black Cat have very similar themes as each other; however they have very different themes to The Red Room. The common theme between all of these stories is that they are all connected to the supernatural. The common themes of the The Tell Tale Heart and The Black Cat are firstly that the main character is an evil person but that that person narrates the story and tries to convince the reader of his sanity and that what he did was justifiable and indeed right. Secondly, both stories have the common theme that the main characters have not got a valid reason for the crime they committed the motive is all in their heads and it is simply the creepy differences which disturbed them both to kill. Thirdly, both murderers get caught and therefore do not get away with the crime they committed. This also leads the reader to the moral that crime never pays no matter if youre ridden with guilt or even if youre over confident you will still get caught. The main messag e of The Tell Tale Heart is the fact that a guilty conscience will always give you away in the end, even if in theory you are not actually caught by police or anyone else, you will give yourself away. The tension in the stories is built up by the use of narrative and short, quick paced sentences that reflect the mood of the three main characters. I think that the heart beat at the end of The Tell Tale Heart is very effective at mimicking the build-up of guilt in the main characters mind and it is not clear whether he can actually hear the dead mans heart beating (the supernatural side of the story) or if it is actually his own heart beating so fast because he is becoming increasingly tense and nervous about the dreadful deed that he has committed (the moral side of the story). In The Black Cat, again the lead character hears what he believes to be the muffled cries of his dead wife but as fate would have it, it is the actual cries of a live cat (by a cry, at first muffled and broken, like the sobbing of a child, and then quickly swelling into one long, loud, and continuous scream, utterly anomalous and inhuman a howl a wailing shriek, half of horror and half of triumph, such as mi ght have arisen only out of hell ). The Red Room has the lead character talking to himself to try and control his fear This wont do! said I, and first one and then another candle on the mantelshelf followed. Whats up? I cried, with a queer high note getting into my voice somehow. At that the candle on the wardrobe went out, and the one I had relit in the alcove followed. Of the three stories, I think that The Black Cat is the scariest because it has such a normal everyday husband and general nice man becoming an axe-wielding maniac, but ultimately being found out through guilt.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

A Good Man Is Hard To Find Essay -- essays research papers fc

Flannery O'Connor's short story collection A Good Man is Hard to Find has many elements of a southern gothic work. Images of ancient castles with sliding panels create suspicious themes and settings that lead the readers into the dark and gloomy world of the southern United States. With all of the violence, horror, and dismal surroundings presented in O'Connor's stories there is too a moral message given. Later gothic work did not always explain horror like this, holding little moral value to contrast their grotesque images (notes, November 1). O'Connor's stories do include a strong moral element, frequently in the form of religious explanations. The characters within A Good Man is Hard to Find are usually ignorant and self-satisfying people, who come across "the grotesque" and are shocked into self-realization, no longer self-satisfied. These grotesque elements are usually the divine in disguise forcing the characters into introspection. In a letter Flannery O'Connor wrote she stated: "You have found Christ when you are concerned with other people's suffering and not your own." In this quotation we can see the moral message O'Connor was attempting to convey in her stories, and through further analysis of the work this fact can be more clearly illustrated. In the first story, A Good Man is Hard to Find, O'Connor's moral message is clearly presented. The grandmother protagonist in the story is very self-serving. She demands constant attention (although rarely getting it) and stubborn in the fact that her wishes must be carried out. She only wants to go to Tennessee to see old connections (O'Connor, pg. 1). The grandmother cannot move away from past and is at the same time confused by accuracy of past events. On the trip a road stop seems very suggestive of a hellish place: barbecue fires, Red Sammy, etc (O'Connor, pg. 6). The grandmother's lack of character judging is pointed out in this scene. She believes that Red Sammy is a good man because he relates to her old fashioned values (she thinks). Sammy is surprised at this and exclaims, "Yes'm, I suppose so," his unsureness makes the reader question Sammy's character. What is more telling is what the waitress says while bringing the food: "It isn't a soul in this green world of God's that you can trust†¦ I don't co... ...ot helping the needy, greed, dishonesty)? By finally accepting the priests company after becoming bed ridden we can infer that Mrs. McIntyre has indeed been changed by what the displaced person has taught her and is more willing to accept her past deeds and be forgiven for them. As we can see O'Connor's moral message of religion leading people's concerns away from self-suffering is quite prevalent in most of the stories in A Good Man is Hard to Find. By analyzing stories such as A Good Man is Hard to Find, The Displaced Person, The Artificial Nigger, and Good Country People we can see the representation of religion hidden behind grotesque elements that force the characters towards introspection and change. These interpretations can be taken further as a possible comment of American culture showing sometimes a horrible apocalyptic vision. O'Connor's moral lessons seem to be telling us that by finding Christ we may overcome these grotesque elements and become stronger people who, through the grace of God, care more for the people around us than our selfish wants. Bibliography 1. O'Connor, Flannery. A Good Man is Hard to Find. Orlando, Florida: Harcourt Brace and Co., 1976

Friday, July 19, 2019

Why Some Forms of Opposition Were More Successful than Others in the Pe

Why Some Forms of Opposition Were More Successful than Others in the Period 1798-1921 The Act of Union, 1801. Ireland was to be joined to Great Britain into a single kingdom, the Dublin parliament was to be abolished. Ireland was to be represented at Westminster (all were Anglicans), the Anglican Church was to be recognised as the official Church of Ireland, no Catholics were to be allowed to hold public office and there was to be no Catholic Emancipation. Immediately we can see from this that any form of opposition would be to destroy this act. Fundamentally it destroyed all catholic rights and forced them to renounce their Catholic faith and take on a Protestant one. In Ireland Daniel O'Connell developed a reputation for his radical political views. By the early 1920's the Irish people started to listen to O'Connell's views and he gathered a large group of supporters. O'Connell had many aims in his political career. O'Connell's goal was to repeal against the act of union. When the Act of Union was passed in 1801 it did not help the Irish. It simply brought problems and distrust to the Irish people. O'Connell organised a meeting to discuss the repeal of the Act of Union, three quarters of a million Irish turned up. They were known as 'Monster Meetings'. We can see that O'Connell successfully created an Irish nation movement and completely changed the British view of the Irish. The British now had a certain amount of respect for the Irish and even feared and threatened their movement. This support from the people could show us the later success that O'Connell has in his opposition, as a movement without opposition would ultimately ... ...d in the cruellest yet effective way possible. Collins achievements were many: he helped fight the British to a stalemate by changing the rules of warfare and setting up an intelligence network to rival the Empire's. He helped negotiate a treaty, which gave Ireland the first stepping stone to become a Republic, and oversaw Ireland's turbulent transition to democracy. His achievements were, however, not without a price. He precipitated the bloody War of Independence against the British and the treaty deal brought back from London split the country into two fiercely opposing halves and plunged the country into the throes of a traumatic civil war. Thus ultimately opposition needed to be well organised and have enough support to succeed, constitutional nationalism had this through its methods of working through the system.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Ethics Article Review Essay

This paper seeks to prepare a review of an article discussing ethics in accounting and financial decision making by making a brief summary, relating to assigned reading for the week, relating and applying the concepts to current or former employer’s organization, making improvement for the organization using the article as basis and explaining the importance of ethics in accounting and financial decision making. A description of the 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley act will also be discussed including its impact on accounting and financial decision making. 2. Discussions 2. a. Brief Summary The article is talking about the importance of ethics in accounting and business. To dramatize its significance in business, it has cited a story of a number of rich people who may have attained their financial rewards in business but ended dying in less meaningful ways impliedly because of missing the principles of ethics. While the article admits that earning money or attaining riches may be an acceptable goal in business, there is still the question of how success in measured in the final analysis and for which the authors were arguing for riches acquired with honor and if a choice would be made between the two, it would be more preferable to have honor rather riches (Smith and Smith, 2003) . 2. b. Relating to assigned readings As to how the article relate to assigned readings for this week, it may be argued that the article has touched on the importance of rules or guides to actions in business. Ethics in business may be asserted to be indispensable if business will have to attain its goals in harmony with other goals of society such as those in economics and politics. 2. c. Application of article to organization As to how the ethical concepts discussed on the article may apply to this researcher’s former or current organization, it may be argued that the universality of principles related to ethics would really make it difficult to exclude this researcher’s organization from any of its application.. Since my organization is part of the larger society where everybody else lives, it cannot isolate itself from the community by doing unethical things. It cannot even argue that any illegal or unethical thing that it may do will not matter in a world where there many players who may be affected by decisions made. In the same way that a member of society can make a difference for the good of the community so with the failure of one organization or even a person in the organization can do to the detriments of many if not all of the members of the community. 2. d. Recommendations for improvement of the organization To make recommendations for improvement on this researcher’s or organization using the article as basis, the organization should encourage simple living among its executives so that they could be more disciplined in the way the company’s resources are being managed not only for the stockholders but even to every stakeholders who stand to benefits from the observance of ethical conduct in the organization. The other stakeholders of course include the employees who aspire for long-term employment (Sears, 2003), the creditors and lenders who resources need to be protected as well, customers who need to have their needs and wants for company’s products and services continuously satisfied and the government who must continue ensuring payment of taxes and compliance with regulations. 2. e. The importance of ethics in accounting and financial decision making and how the 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley Act affects the same The important of ethics in accounting and financial decision making cannot be underestimated. Without ethics there would be no responsibility for right or wrong act can be demanded from people making decisions. The managers who are considered agents of stockholders would instead enrich themselves at the expense of stockholders investments. On the other hand, these stockholders would just exploit whatever they can to the detriment of their principal, this time their debt capital providers. The organization can likewise treat its employees with disrespect and violate the latter’s if there in no ethics that would guide them. Laws will be insufficient to exact compliance if people in the organization were not instilled the proper values when they were still young in the same way that it is hard to teach tricks to an old dog. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 is a classic example to legislate rules of conduct that would improve corporate governance (Ali, et. al, 2006) including a more strict compliance of requirements in regulating companies in terms of financial statements and ensuring of ethical conduct of external auditors (Bainbridge, 2007). Although the law is a positive act to ethical practice of doing business, the choice to do what is right is still with decision makers who must have the right sense of values for society. 3. Conclusion: Ethics has a purpose to attain. It is a part of an organization’s life since it is a guide to decision making not only in accounting and finance but even to all other aspect of business operations. A sense or rightness or wrongness offers a choice and that which is good is incidentally consistent with ethics. As the world seems to be painting what are the standards of its success when actually they are not the real and lasting ones, ethics its and principles have much to offer in making the correct decision that will lead real and lasting success for human existence. The article has argued that honor is preferable than riches but riches need not be inconsistent with riches as long as they are ethically acquired. References: Ali, et. al (2006) International Corporate Governance After Sarbanes-Oxley, John Wiley and Sons Bainbridge (2007), The Complete Guide to Sarbanes-Oxley: Understanding How Sarbanes-Oxley Affects Your Business; Adams Media Sears (2003) Successful Talent Strategies: Achieving Superior Business Results Through Market-focused Staffing, AMACOM Div American Mgmt Association. Smith and Smith (2003) Business and Accounting Ethics, {www document} URL, http://acct. tamu. edu/smith/ethics/ethics. htmAccessed September 29,2008

Land Degradation and Global Warming Essay

Our planet has experienced many changes in its temper from day 1 of creation up to the model. Today, we argon faced with issues concerning spherical thaw or the average increase of temperature of undercoats atmosphere. What causes world(a) heat leads look intoers to find out intrinsic conditions and manmade activities that cause this phenomenon (U. S. environmental fortress substance, 2008). Land abjection is being eye as matchless of the contributing factors of global warm up. By definition, it is the loss of the globe productivity that could be permanently or temporarily (Stocking & Murnagham, 2000).Literature Review Land humiliation has been a problem for a pertinacious clock. Researches ar done in guild to find out the most applicable solution to the affected areas. Michael Stocking and Niamh Murnaghan, in 2000, had create Land Degradation Guidelines for Field Assessment. This government issue consists of 8 chapters. The authors book focus on the followi ng areas farmers perspective on inflict debasement, definition and causes, substances and consequences to pop users, land loss, effect to production, indicators of land degradation, and the benefits of conservation.Agencies such as the Canadian International ontogenesis Agency or CIDA, the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the fall in Nations have promoted their knowingness programs regarding land degradation and global warming. With the support of these agencies, people are gaining entropy astir(predicate) the make of natural events and some human activities to the environment. Methodology This research is mainly based on information, researches, and readings from the net income. I have chosen Web sites from authentic agencies such as U. S. EPA, CIDA, and the United Nations in order to acquire information about land degradation and global warming.Since the Internet is likewise known as the information superhighway, these agencies are successful in paste their researches and making the public aware of the change magnitude effect of global warming to our environment. info Analysis calcium is just one of the States that promotes rain set conservation to lessen the effect of global warming by cut down emissions from deforestation and land degradation or REDD. REDD is an state-to-state sub-national discernment that aims to promote improved forest management pract nut cases and reforestation. The parties involved in this agreement have signed the Memorandum of understanding on 18 November 2008.(Mongabay. com, 2008) In Canada, CIDA has lead the promotion to reverse the personal effects of land degradation. CIDA works with the United Nations Convention to flake Desertification or UNCCD. CIDAs efforts to reverse the effects include tree planting, sustainable irrigation, and environmental monitoring among others. (Land Degradation, CIDA, 2008) Results The effects of land degradation to Earths climate were non observed immediately. Now, th e effects of global warming are increasingly being noticed. We have experienced El Nino and La Nina and perceive news about the melting of ice in the Arctic.The processes done to counteract the effects could also take longer time before we could see the results. Discussion When the realm lost its productivity due to land degradation, trees and plants could not thrive on it. impart to this phenomenon the continuous illegal logging and deforestation activities could lead to decreased numbers of set trees and plants. When the number of planted trees and plants continue to lessen, hardly a(prenominal) trees and plants could absorb carbon dioxide, the gas that contributes to global warming due to excessive production. atomic number 6 dioxide traps heat.Too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere leads to an abnormal increase in the temperature of the atmosphere, thus the occurrence of global warming. The honey oil causes of land degradation are overgrazing, deforestation, and pollut ion. on that point is a human factor in these causes. We are responsible to what is happening in our climate now. As we wait for the results of the present actions concerning global warming. Its best to help in our own simple ship canal on how to prevent land degradation. champion is to help promote the advocacies of the concerned agencies. finish Global warming is a reality.The effects of it are tremendous and detrimental. Should global warming continue to worsen, Earth and all its tenants are in grave danger. Public awareness of the effects of global warming is deemed necessary. We are the ones who have triggered the ignition of global warming. We should also be the ones to trigger the solution.Works CitedCalifornia Joins Effort to Fight Global warm up by Saving Rainforests. Mongabay. com. 19 November 2008. 25 November 2008 Climate Change. Canadian International Development Agency.24 October 2008. 27 November 2008 Climate Change. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. 200 8. 27 November 2008 Land Degradation. Canadian International Development Agency. 23 July 2008. 25 November 2008 Stocking, M. & Niamh Murnagham. Land Degradation Guidelines for Field Assessment. PLEC Databases. 2000. 25 November 2008